Tanuj Kumar & Associates http://valuer.co.in Wed, 14 Jun 2017 05:54:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.5.9 Valuation of Brands http://valuer.co.in/valuation-of-brands/ http://valuer.co.in/valuation-of-brands/#respond Fri, 03 Mar 2017 07:15:11 +0000 http://danstring.in/demo/2017/february/valuer/?p=1271 Brands and Intangible Assets are widely accepted to be the key drivers and contributors to the value and growth of businesses. ...

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Brands and Intangible Assets are widely accepted to be the key drivers and contributors to the value and growth of businesses. However, despite their widespread acceptance that intangible assets and brands are critical to the future prospects of any business

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Valuation of Real Estate http://valuer.co.in/valuation-of-real-estate/ http://valuer.co.in/valuation-of-real-estate/#respond Fri, 03 Mar 2017 06:45:42 +0000 http://danstring.in/demo/2017/february/valuer/?p=1261 Real Estate is the most important of durable goods in the household/company. While acquiring it requires high involvement as well as ...

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Real Estate is the most important of durable goods in the household/company. While acquiring it requires high involvement as well as complex decision making. Valuation of Real Estate really concerns with all species of legal interests arising out of Land and Building which are exchanged for money and therefore entails the phenomena of exchange, scarcity and choice that characterizes a ‘market’ in the economic sense of the term.

Valuation of Plant & Machinery, Equipments

Precise Plant and Machinery Valuations are critical in today’s dynamic markets as they form the basis of successful sales/merger/ acquisition strategies resultantly the return on investment. It is imperative  to have access to accurate information and valuation professional advice in order to make informed choices. Our practice caters to a wide spectrum of industries each having plant and machinery with its own inherent characteristics. Among the issues to be considered in the valuation of plant and machinery are the specific utility or usefulness of industrial property, its contribution to the production of goods and services for which it is designed and deployed.

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Rental Valuation http://valuer.co.in/rental-valuation/ http://valuer.co.in/rental-valuation/#respond Fri, 03 Mar 2017 06:39:17 +0000 http://danstring.in/demo/2017/february/valuer/?p=1257 When land is fully developed by buildings erected thereon; when the property is let at a rent from which the fair ...

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When land is fully developed by buildings erected thereon; when the property is let at a rent from which the fair rent can be ascertained; and when the rent has been proved and is likely to be maintained for years to come, then based upon the local area research, our team provides the rental valuation of a property.

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